July 27, 2011

Have you outgrown QuickBooks or Simply Accounting?

It’s possible you’ve outgrown QuickBooks or Simply Accounting quicker than you thought. While both Simply Accounting and Quickbooks offer exceptional value for the price, they have limits on what you can do with them and how large they will grow. The first important question is what do you do next. Neither of them really have a solid upgrade option. Any packages that will offer more features or handle larger transaction volumes are based on different technology and you will find yourselves going through a system conversion. But the next step is the critical one.

While QuickBooks and Simply cost just a few hundred dollars, you now need to make a decision that will cost you either a few thousand dollars or ten thousand and up. Spending the lower amount might seem like the logical answer but you will box yourself into a system that may not grow if your organization continues to grow. You will probably find yourself spending the larger amount later anyway, along with having to go through another conversion. The problem is that the lower end solution cannot sell enough copies and the price is not high enough to justify extensive research and development.

To get around this problem, many customers find themselves jumping up two levels to gain the additional functionality offered by a solution such as Microsoft Dynamics NAV, which provides extensive functionality that can be implemented as needed and an almost unlimited scalability. To accommodate smaller customers who may grow later on, Open Door Technology utilizes RIM (Rapid Implementation Methodology) to implement the system as cost-effectively as possible.